CS371p: Blog Week 4

Kyzer Polzin
2 min readFeb 14, 2022
  1. What did you do this past week? This was a busy week for me, I can’t even remember what I did. I was busy with an OS assignment for the majority of the latter end of the week though. This class was pretty light especially after the project wrapped up though and that was nice. I also had work and a lot of quidditch stuff this past week as we prepare for our regional tournament next weekend.
  2. What’s in your way? Just finding time to do everything. It is hard to balance school, interviews, projects, extracurriculars, and trying to maintain a social life.
  3. What will you do next week? This next week I am really going to focus on getting ahead in all of my classes. I will be going to Louisiana from Friday-Sunday so I won’t have time to do much then.
  4. What did you think of Paper #4: Pair Programming? I really enjoyed this paper as it outlines all of the advantages of pair programming. It really is hard to conceptualize the practicality of pair programming, but after seeing actual evidence (both statistical and anecdotal), it is hard to imagine why pair programming isn’t simply the standard.
  5. What was your experience of exceptions and StrCmp? (this question will vary, week to week) Exceptions are interesting. I still struggle with them a little bit as it takes me a little bit to run through all the different catch blocks and see how that affects the result of the exception, but I do have a general understanding of them after this week. StrCmp wasn’t too difficult for my group and me. I did kind of struggle on the quiz about the difference between char[] and char* in C++ even after reading a short article about them so that was unfortunate. Overall, it was a good experience for both though.
  6. What made you happy this week? Going to the Kansas vs. UT basketball game with my dad was fun. We ended up getting a nice win and it was fun to watch the student section storm the court. The basketball itself was a little sloppy, but it provided hope for the upcoming BIG12 tournament in March (let’s just ignore our team’s performance in Waco yesterday).
  7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week? My pick-of-the-week is Mario Kart Deluxe 8. It’s been fun playing this past week cause it’s relatively brainless and it has seemed to help with relieving stress when playing with friends.



Kyzer Polzin

Current CS student at UT Austin sharing my journey